Sunday, May 29, 2016


I should of listened to my body and stayed home. Since my schedule was crazy last week did a lot of days in a row and didn't rest. Plus getting slammed at work dealing with crazy ass people. body was tired an work out really suffered. Plan on taking next 2 days off, stuffing my face with food (nothing to bad except for today got a bbq ;o) then picking up on wednesday.

A. Deadlift @ 20X1, 4 x 2, rest 2 min: 221, 241, 265, 265 (tough)

B1. Front Rack RFE Deficit Split Squat @ 30X1, build to 5RM **front foot on 45# bumper, back knee still touches ground: 3(65), 2 (89), 1(111) couldn't get this to work today, legs weren't having it

B2. Seated DB Press @ 20X2, build to 10RM **sitting on bench, not Z-Press: 8(15), 7(25), 6(30) again thought 30lbs was going to be for 10.. shoulders were tired from yesterday

C1. Front Rack Lunges in place, 4 x 6/leg, rest 60 sec: 89lbs (brutal today)
C2. Cable Tricep Extensions, 4 x 15 reps, rest 60 sec: 50lbs (finally felt a little easier then the last few weeks)
4 rounds: 8:12 (last week was 7:43, was too tired today)

12 DB Thrusters, 25#/h (brutal)
8 Box Jumps, 20” (step ups)


Lizard Walk- 50’
A. Power Clean + Hang Squat Clean,  4 sets, rest 2 min: 121,131,141,141 (olympic plates) felt good

B1. Back Squat @ 31X1, 4, 323, 3, 2,  2,  reps, rest 30 sec: 155, 175, 175, 185, 199(olympic plates) felt good

B2. DB Elbowing Row @ 20X2, 5 x 10/arm, rest 60 sec: 40lb
C1. Pistol on a Box Progression, 4 x 5/side, rest 20 sec: they feel better will video
C2. American Hip Thrusts w/ barbell @ 20X2, 4 x 10, rest 60 sec **heavy: 89lbs
D. FLR on Rings, 4 x 45 sec, rest 90 sec **add weight to back if possible: first time I made it through all 4 sets!!!! might be able to add weight next time.. lol won't be much
Sled Push- 4 x 15 sec MAX EFFORT, rest 2 min  **moderate load but should still be able to sprint without slowing down much: 55kg was too heavy.. caught myself slowing down on 3 and def 4th set..


A. Kossack Squats- 3 x 10/leg, rest 30 sec b/w legs **holding KB in goblet position: 25lbs

B. Natural Knee Extensions (band assistnace if needed)- 2 x 5-6, rest as needed

C. Sumo Deadlift @ 31X1, 4 x 8 reps, rest 2 min: 111, 131, 131,131lbs

D1. Passive Hang from Bar, 4 x 35 sec, rest 30 sec: tough
D2. Front Rack Step Ups, 4 x 8/leg, rest 60 sec b/w legs: 111lbs challengings
For time: 9:58
3 rounds
100 Jump Ropes
21 KB Swings, 35# brutal
15 DB Thrusters, 15#/H brutal

Friday, May 27, 2016


A1. Double KB Single Leg RDL @ 2010, 4 x 8/leg, rest 30 sec b/w sides: 35lb still

A2. DB Bench PRess, 4 x 8, rest 30 sec **feel it out with shoulder: 89, 109, 121, 131 (last set tough)

A3. Lying Thumbs Up DB Reverse Fly’s, 4 x 10, rest 30 sec: 15lb getting easier with this weight

B1. BB Overhead Carry, 5 x 50’, rest as needed ***if you don’t have room for BB OH carry, do double DB OH carry: 65, 75, 89, 109, 119 (mini victory, haven't pressed that much weight up in a long time, 119 was heavy but was able to jerk it up)

B2. Single Arm Farmer’s Carry, 5 x 50’, rest as needed **heavy: 70lbs
3 rounds for time: 19:00 (im beginning to have a love hate relationship with these things)
Row 350m (sucked)
12 Suitcase Deadlifts, L- moderate weight 35lbs
2 Wall Walks:
12 Suitcase Deadlifts, R- same weight
20 sec Wall-Facing HS Hold


Lizard Walk- 50’
A. Power Clean + Hang Squat Clean,  4 sets, rest 2 min: 121,131,143,153 (pc, failed on first attempt for hsq, had to take a litte time then got it)

(sigh i still like to muscle it and not be patient for that second pull. any tips?)

B1. Back Squat @ 31X1, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1,  reps, rest 30 sec: 175, 199, 199, 209, 209 failed last one, went down wasn't coming back up ;o)

B2. DB Elbowing Row @ 20X2, 5 x 10/arm, rest 60 sec: 40lbs
C1. Pistol on a Box Progression, 4 x 5/side, rest 20 sec: tough as always
C2. American Hip Thrusts w/ barbell @ 20X2, 4 x 10, rest 60 sec **heavy: 119lb heavy

Ran out time for last D and sled push
D. FLR on Rings(
Sled Push- 4 x 15 sec MAX EFFORT, rest 2 min  **moderate load but should still be able to sprint without slowing down much

Saturday, May 21, 2016



A. Deadlift @ 20X1, 4 x 2, rest 2 min: 231, 265, 253, 253 (couldn't get the 265 back up)

B1. Front Rack RFE Deficit Split Squat @ 30X1, build to 5RM **front foot on 45# bumper, back knee still touches ground: 89(4) 99(3) 111(5) right leg is much weaker when it comes to single leg exercises

B2. Seated DB Press @ 20X2, build to 10RM **sitting on bench, not Z-Press: 15(8) 25(5) 35(6) thought I could do 35 for 10 since 25 was easy for 5... nope.

C1. Front Rack Lunges in place, 4 x 6/leg, rest 60 sec: 89lb
C2. Cable Tricep Extensions, 4 x 15 reps, rest 60 sec : 50
4 rounds: 7:43 (probably could of cut off 2 mins if someone were standing there yelling at me ;o)
12 DB Thrusters, 25#/h (body was beat, wore me out)
8 Box Jumps, 20” (combination of jumps n step ups, body was beat)


A. Kossack Squats- 3 x 10/leg, rest 30 sec b/w legs: body weight felt better worked on form

B. Natural Knee Extensions (band assistnace if needed)- 2 x 5-6, rest as needed: felt easy..hope i was doing them right

C. Sumo Deadlift @ 31X1, 4 x 10 reps, rest 2 min: 89,111,131,131 tough first time ever doing them in workout
D1. Passive Hang from Bar, 4 x 30 sec, rest 30 sec: easy to moderate, ref grip
D2. Front Rack Step Ups, 4 x 10/leg, rest 60 sec b/w legs: 89,89,89,111(tough)
For time: 3:03
100 Jump Rope
20 Air Squats
80 Jump Rope
15 Air Squats
60 Jump Rope
10 Air Squats
40 Jump Rope
5 Air Squats

Wednesday, May 18, 2016


A1. Double KB Single Leg RDL @ 2010, 4 x 8/leg, rest 30 sec b/w sides: 35lbs still pretty tough

A2. Floor Press w/ BB, 4 x 5, rest 30 sec **105# starting and build: 111, 121, 121, 121 (olympic weights)
A3. Lying Thumbs Up DB Reverse Fly’s, 4 x 12, rest 30 sec: 15lb

B1. Single Arm DB Overhead Carry, 5 x 50’, rest as needed *heavier: 35, 40, 45, 50,50

B2. Single Arm Farmer’s Carry, 5 x 75’, rest as needed: 50, 70, 70, 70.70
3 rounds for time: 14:05
Row 350m (again wore me out)
10 Suitcase Deadlifts, L- moderate weight 35lb kb
10 Push Ups
10 Suitcase Deadlifts, R- same weight 35lb kb
20 sec Wall-Facing HS Hold

Tuesday, May 17, 2016


Duck Walk- 50’
2 min Goblet Squat Hold **alternate putting DB/KB on each knee to stretch calf/ankle out

A. Shrimp Squat w/ 20# counter balance holding plate with straight arms out in front- 3x 5/leg, rest as needed -Used a 20lb db, def felt like i could go lower with heavier weight but heavy for me to hold up ;o)

B1. Front Squat @ 13X1, 4 x 3, rest 30 sec **that pause in the bottom is making them difficult for you
**do you have access to chains for squatting?: 155, 175, 175, 175 (hard weight)

B2. Supinated Grip Pull Ups @ 20X2, 4 x 2-3 reps, rest 30 sec *add weight if possible: 4(10lbs), 3(20lbs), 3(20), 2(20)

B3. KB Windmill @ 3111, 4 x 5/side, rest 30 sec **focus on stretch at the bottom and active shoulder **video and send: 20lbs right arm could go heavier, but left is unstable

3 rounds for reps
30 sec DB Swings, 35# (realized i used a kb)
30 sec rest
30 sec Light sled Push (99lbs)
30 sec rest
30 sec Walking Lunges
30 sec rest

Sunday, May 15, 2016


A. Deadlift @ 20X1, 4 x 3, rest 2 min: 243lbs all 4 sets

B1. Front Rack RFE Deficit Split Squat @ 30X1, 5 x 5/leg **front foot on 45# bumper, back knee still touches ground: 89lbs felt stronger knee still not touching ground

B2. Seated DB Z-Press @ 20X2, 5 x 10, rest 60 sec: 10lbs tough could prob do 12.5 if they had that weight
C1. DB Walking Lunges, 4 x 12 steps, rest 60 sec: 35lbs felt tough but good
C2. Cable Tricep Extensions, 4 x 15 reps, rest 60 sec: 50lbs last set very hard
4 rounds 12:25
12 DB Deadlifts, 35#/H easy
9 DB Hang Power Cleans, 35#/H hard
6 DB Shoulder to OH, 35#/H very hard, did push jerk to get it up for each rep

Thursday, May 12, 2016


Lizard Walk- 50’
A. Hang Power Clean + Power Clean,  4 sets, rest 2 min : 89, 111, 133, 133 (used the kg plates)

B1. Back Squat @ 31X1, 4 x 3 reps, rest 30 sec: 155, 175, 175, 175 (was hoping to use 185)

B2. DB Elbowing Row @ 20X2, 4 x 10/arm, rest 60 sec: 30, 40, 40, 40 (last set moderate to tough)
C1. Pistol on a Box Progression, 4 x 5/side, rest 20 sec: felt better
C2. American Hip Thrusts w/ barbell @ 20X2, 4 x 10, rest 60 sec **heavy: 89lbs (used kg plates) tough

D. FLR on Rings, 4 x 45 sec, rest 90 sec **add weight to back if possible: 45, 45, 40, 30 (abs werent having it)
Sled Push- 4 x 12 sec MAX EFFORT, rest 2 min  **moderate load but should still be able to sprint without slowing down much: 45kg was fun


A1. Double KB Single Leg RDL @ 2010, 4 x 8/leg, rest 30 sec b/w sides: 35,40,40,40 (was tough had to rest longer than 30 for last 2 sets. prob should of stuck with 35 this week)

A2. Floor Press w/ BB, 4 x 8, rest 30 sec **95# across: felt good

A3. Lying Thumbs Up DB Reverse Fly’s, 4 x 12, rest 30 sec: 7.5lbs prob could of done 10

B1. Single Arm DB Overhead Carry, 4 x 100’, rest as needed **thumb turned back: 25,25,30.30 (def stronger than last week!!)

B2. Single Arm Farmer’s Carry, 4 x 150’, rest as needed: 50lbs
3 rounds for time: 9:09
Row 350m
8 Burpees
8 Russian Kb Swings, 35#

shoulder def felt better and strong this week. didn't need much rest time for overhead carry or farmers carry.


Duck Walk- 50’ - felt better, but pretty sure i sprained a few toes so hurts to do this

2 min Goblet Squat Hold **alternate putting DB/KB on each knee to stretch calf/ankle out- used 25lbs still leaned against wall

A. Shrimp Squat w/ 10# counter balance holding plate with straight arms out in front- 3x 5/leg, rest as needed- still struggle doing this

B1. Front Squat @ 13X1, 4 x 4, rest 30 sec: 135,135,145,145 (felt hard and felt like it should be an easy weight for me

B2. Supinated Grip Pull Ups @ 20X2, 4 x 3-4 reps, rest 30 sec *add weight if possible: 4,3,3,3 (all with 10lb db)

B3. KB Windmill @ 3111, 4 x 5/side, rest 30 sec **focus on stretch at the bottom and active shoulder: 10lb, 20lb,20lb,20lb - felt more comfortable, need to video to make sure form is correct

3 rounds for reps
30 sec Burpees 12,12,,9
30 sec rest
30 sec Light sled Push 45kg
30 sec rest
30 sec Box Jumps, 20” step down 7,9,8
30 sec rest
30 sec Row level 10, didnt track meters
30 sec rest


A1. Double KB Single Leg RDL @ 2010, 4 x 8/leg, rest 30 sec b/w sides: 35lbs across

A2. Floor Press w/ BB, 4 x 6, rest 30 sec **105# across: easy to moderate for last set

A3. Lying Thumbs Up DB Reverse Fly’s, 4 x 12, rest 30 sec: 15lb good weight was tough

B1. Single Arm DB Overhead Carry, 5 x 75’, rest as needed **thumb turned back: 3 sets- 30lbs, 2-35lbs
B2. Single Arm Farmer’s Carry, 5 x 100’, rest as needed: 50lbs (gym only has a 50lb kb and then goes to 70lbs.. no in between)

3 rounds for time: 9:19
Row 350m (wore me out today, 1:31-1:37)
8 Single Arm Russian Swings, R arm 30kb (need to video to check form)
12 Push Ups
8 Single Arm Russian Swings, L arm

today felt good again.