Saturday, April 23, 2016

Day 5

Today wasn't my best of workout days.. Did not get video of duck walk. Will try to have someone help me out next time. Due to gym being busy, did b1-b3 first then the shrimp squat.

Shrimp Squat

B1. Front Squat @13x1 4x7 30 secs rest
- 95lbs prob could of gone a little heavier

B2 supinated pull ups (no weights this time) @ 20x2  3-5 reps each set
-5,3, 4,4 (def tougher towards end)

B3. Supinated grip barbell press (bar only) @ 20x2 4-5 reps
- 5,5,5,5 ( pretty comfortable and easy)

Conditioning 3 rounds for reps              
30 sec thruster 25lbs                          14:8:8    
30 sec rest
30 high knee jump rope                     reg singles for 30 sec..need to work on coordination
30 sec rest
30 mountain climbers                        50:40:51
30 sec rest
30 row                                                120m:121:122
30 sec rest

25lbs for thrusters was pretty heavy, i could not figure out high knee jump for the life of me so will practice . overall wasn't a great day in the gym. tomorrow is a new day

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Day 4

Ran to gym 2.1 miles

Goblet Squat

A1. Half Kneeling Landmine Press

A2. Front rack step ups (prob could of done heavier but shoulders were tanked after landmine and could barely rest the bar)

B1 Goblet Cossack/Row

Hip Seq (no idea why sideways sorry)

Stealth walk

Stealth walk 2

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Day 3

A. Front Squat build to 1rm

10(95), 5(120), 4(140), 3(150), 2(170), 1(180), 1(190), 1(195)

B. Deadlift 30x1 build to 3rm

135, 5(155), 4(185), 3(225), 3(235) critique on form, been awhile since done DL think my 225 was better

C. Single arm db over head carry (palm facing front) 25lbs

Right arm 2:10, Left arm 2:20 (felt could of done longer with left, my wrist gave out first vs shoulder)

Conditioning 3 rounds for time
row 500m
21 russian kb swings 35#
12 burpees

15 min,: (first time doing russian kb swings, row was done at number 8, didn't keep track of individual row time, do know first round was 4:15.)

I liked having conditioning a part of the workout, would like to see this more in workouts vs straight weight lifting workouts.

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Day 2

A. Standing single arm db press 10 rm

10lbs(10), 15(8), 25(6), 30(10)

B. Strict Wtd pull-up

3 regular, 2.5lbs(2), 5lbs(2), 10(2), 20(2), 25(2), 27.5(1), 30(1)

C. CG bench 30x1

bar(10), 55(8), 6(65), 2(95), 2(105), 3(115), 1(135)

D. DB external rotation 30x1 (pretty hard)

6(5lbs), 8(7.5lbs)

E. Powell Raise

6(5lbs), 6(7.5lbs), 8(12.5) (was able to get the 8 reps with left arm and only 4 with right arm, did left first due to knowing its weaker..)

F. Side plank

1:03 each side

G. Supinated Grip bar hang (couldnt hold on due to grip and somewhat uncomfortable, did reg bar hang)

15 secs on/15off for the 2 mins

Workout was a lot on shoulder. felt pretty beat up. For bench only went as far down as if doing it on floor. Did not have a lot of video due to having no one to help out and hard to place camera for certain exercises. did do the shoulder and hip for warm up. need to still video hip warm up.

Friday, April 15, 2016

Day 1

A. Back Squat

105-7reps, 135lbs(4), 155(2), 165(2),180(2), 190(1), 205(1), 215(1), 220(1), 225(1), 230(1), 235 failed

B. Front Rack RFE

55(5), 65(3), 95(3), 115(5) not pretty

C. Power Clean 1Rm

95(2), 115(2), 125(1), 135(1), 140 failed

D. PC 8 amrap

30 reps @ 120 - was horrible and hard

E. Hollow rock
40 sec, 30, 40

E2. Back extensions (used gym hyper extension machine)
 3X 10 reps