Wednesday, June 29, 2016


Narrow Grip OHS w/ bar- 3 x 5-10 ****these look good last week.  I think the mobility is just as much or more in your hips than your ankles.
A. Back Rack Kossack Squats- 4 x 8/leg, rest 30 sec b/w legs **focus on stretch at the bottom: bar

B. Natural Knee Extensions (band assistance if needed)- 2 x 5-6, rest as needed

C1. Lateral Crossover Step Ups, 4 x 8/leg, rest 60 sec **holding DB’s by side **The step up looked good but I want you to continue across the box by stepping down behind you on the other side, hope that makes sense.:15,15, 20, 20 and yes understood the proper way to do them
C2. Wide Grip Lat Pull Down to Chest, 4 x 12, rest 60 sec **2 sec pause at chest: 60, 50, 50, 50

D1. Goblet Squat w/ DB @ 15X1, 3 x 8, rest 60 sec: 35
D2. Diamond Push Ups, 3 x 10-15, rest 90 sec: 10, 12, 10
For time: 16:50
3 rounds
Row 500m
14 DB Snatches, 35# Alternating
10 Goblet Squat Jumps, 35#
Rest 90 sec

Monday, June 27, 2016


Duck Walk- 50’
2 min Back Squat Hold in bottom **w/ 30% of 1RM FSQ **accumulate 2 min, does not have to be straight: 55 did no shoes and 45 sec increments

A. Shrimp Squat practice- accumulate 15 quality reps each side
B1. Back Squat @ 12X1, 5 x 4 reps, rest 60 sec **70-75% 1RM: 155lbs
B2. Regular Grip Pull Ups @ 20X1, 5 x 4-5 reps, rest 30 sec **add weight if possible: 5lbs, 4,4,4,3,2
B3. KB Windmill @ 3111, 5 x 5/side, rest 30 sec **No rush on adding weight, this is more about quality movement anyway: 25
3 rounds for reps (I dislike you for this)
60 sec 15 DB Thrusters, 25#/H + Burpees in remaining time: 6,2,6
60 sec rest
60 sec Shuttle Run down & back 50’: 4,3,3
60 sec rest
60 sec 15 KB Swings, 35# + Box Jumps, 20” step down: 5,5,8
60 sec rest

Thursday, June 23, 2016


A. Clean + Front Squat, build to tough set in 15 min: 89, 111, 121, 131, 143, 153 (hit myself in chin i pulled so hard felt so easy), 163 failed twice..and i stayed w/in time limit ;o)

B1. Back Rack RFE Deficit Split Squat @ 30X1, 4 x 7/leg, rest 30 sec b/w legs: 55lbs, used their smith machine which the bar actually weighs 45lbs and had back leg on a bench. since i was locked into place made me really work on form and was killer

B2. Standing BB Press @ 20X2, 4 x 8, rest 90 sec: 55,65,65, 65

C1. Front Rack Step Ups, 4 x 7/leg, rest 60 sec: 55 lbs but used a higher step was hard!! but doable and def couldn't do this height at the beginning, but def was taking a little bit longer than 60 sec rest.

C2. Lying Tricep Extensions, 4 x 15, rest 60 sec: 40lbs used preset bar
4 rounds for time: 5:01 (tried to just do this one continually..kicked my ass got through first 2 rounds then took like a 1 min break , not planned just trying to catch my breath, lol)
8 Burpees
12 Russian KB Swings, 53# (50lbs)

Monday, June 20, 2016



Narrow Grip OHS w/ bar- 3 x 5-10 **trying to get narrower grip and deeper squat every rep: didn't wear my doing my best as far a form

A. Back Rack Kossack Squats- 4 x 8/leg, rest 30 sec b/w legs **focus on stretch at the bottom: used bar, was tough, was sweating and by last set took 60 sec rest btwn

B. Natural Knee Extensions (band assistance if needed)- 2 x 5-6, rest as needed
C1. Lateral Crossover Step Ups, 4 x 8/leg, rest 60 sec **holding DB’s by side: 10lb, 10lb, 15lb, 15lb, video is with 10lbs

C2. Wide Grip Lat Pull Down to Chest, 4 x 10, rest 60 sec **2 sec pause at chest: 40, 50, 60, 60
D1. Goblet Squat w/ DB @ 15X1, 3 x 10, rest 60 sec: 25, 35, 35, was trying my best not to lean forward too much

D2. Dyamind Push Ups, 3 x 10-15, rest 90 sec: 10,12, 13
For time: 14:56
3 rounds
Row 500m (brutal, felt like forever since other ones are usually 250 or less)
12 Deadlifts, 115# (111, used olympic plates)
10 DB Thrusters, 25#/H
Rest 90 sec

Friday, June 10, 2016


On wednesday went for a mountain bike ride and then a 40 min swim lesson that evening.

Duck Walk- 50’
2 min Back Squat Hold in bottom **w/ 30% of 1RM FSQ: 55lbs was unpleasent
A. Shrimp Squat practice- accumulate 15 quality reps each side: i wouldnt say quality but working on it
B1. Back Squat @ 13X1, 4 x 5 reps, rest 60 sec: 111, 133, 133,133, 133, prob could of done more

B2. Regular Grip Pull Ups @ 20X1, 5 x 4-5 reps, rest 30 sec **build to 1RM: bodyweight, 5lbs (4), 5(4), 5(4), 5(2) wasn't sure if i was supposed to build to 1rm so didn't was thinking that wasn't deleted from last week

B3. KB Windmill @ 3111, 5 x 5/side, rest 30 sec **focus on stretch at the bottom and active shoulder **these looked good in vid. Great shoulder stability exercise so continue to do the weight you can do on L arm till they even out.: 25lb left shoulder still not ready to go up
3 rounds for reps
60 sec DB Thrusters, 20#/H 24:20:15
60 sec rest
60 sec Row 225:218:211
60 sec rest
60 sec Burpees 15:14:14
60 sec rest

probably rested too long btwn first half then cardio. I was dreading those 3 rounds today.

Wednesday, June 8, 2016


A. High Hang Squat Clean + Clean + Front Squat, build to tough set in 15 min: 89, 111, 131, 141, 155, 165, 175
i prob took closer to 20-23 mins..again saw myself still not using full extention and those lats. tried remembering to set my grip like you told me. trying to break bad habit

B1. Back Rack RFE Deficit Split Squat @ 30X1, 4 x 10/leg, rest 30 sec b/w legs: 65lb

B2. Standing BB Press @ 20X2, 4 x 10, rest 90 sec: 45,55,55,55 Note: the rest time prescribed for b1, b2 i took that as an suggestion ha.. i think after round 2, i was resting 1min btwn legs and closer to 2 min after barbell. this kicked my ass.

C1. Front Rack Step Ups, 4 x 10/leg, rest 60 sec: 89lb
C2. Lying Tricep Extensions, 4 x 12, rest 60 sec: (skull crushers) 20,30, 40, 40
3 rounds for time: 3:41
50 Jump Ropes
12 Burpees

Sunday, June 5, 2016


Didn't feel as strong today as I would of liked. My back squat/front squat made massive improvements in flight in short time was hoping I could get back to there but I know it will take time.

Lizard Walk- 50’
A. Squat Clean, build to 1RM: 6(55), 4(89), 3(99), 2(121), 1(133), 1(143), 1(153), 1(163)
the first video is 153, second is 163, i failed on first attempt then get it. so wait a few seconds. all any advice on how i built up , was it ok, should of done more at different weights etc. also our gym does not have 2.5's so... wasn't able to go up anymore. even though it looked easy when i watched my video.. didn't feel easy!

B. Back Squat, build to 1RM: 5(89), 4(133), 1(185), 1(199), 1(219) so wasn't thinking and did a few warm ups even though was prob already warmed up from squat clean.. so think i hurt some strength doing that. and 219 felt HEAVY which sucked, i was hoping for a minimum of 225...

C1. Pistol on a Box Progression, 4 x 5/side, rest 20 sec
C2. American Hip Thrusts w/ barbell @ 20X2, 4 x 10, rest 60 sec **heavy: 111, 121,121, 121
D. FLR on Rings, accumulate 3 min for time: 5:30

Sled Push- 3 x 20 sec MAX EFFORT, rest 2 min  **moderate load but should still be able to sprint without slowing down much: ran out of time

Thursday, June 2, 2016


A1. Double KB Single Leg RDL @ 2010, 4 x 6/leg, rest 30 sec b/w sides: 35lbs still struggling w/ balance and not ready to go up in weight

A2. DB Bench PRess, 4 x 8-12, rest 30 sec **feel it out with shoulder **load depending on progression of weight: 20(12) , 25(12), 35(12), 40(8)

A3. Lying Thumbs Up DB Reverse Fly’s, 4 x 12, rest 30 sec: 15lbs felt moderate today

B1. BB Overhead Carry, 3 x 100’, rest as needed ***if you don’t have room for BB OH carry, do double DB OH carry: 89, 89, 109 longer distance made a difference ;o)

B2. Single Arm Farmer’s Carry, 3 x 100’, rest as needed **heavy: 70 lbs longer distance made a difference couldnt wait to put kb down
For time: 6:41
Row 250m
15 KB Swings, 53# (50lbs instead, all they had)
25 Burpees (damn burpees, not continuous, tried to, stopped once i think)
15 KB Swings, 53#
Row 250m

Wednesday, June 1, 2016


Duck Walk- 50’: not to pretty since toes on left foot still sprained and wont take the time out to let them heal

2 min Goblet Squat Hold **alternate putting DB/KB on each knee to stretch calf/ankle out: forgot to do this

A. Shrimp Squat w/ 20# counter balance holding plate with straight arms out in front- 3x 5/leg, rest as needed: started just doing the plain shrimp squat starting from the ground and no weight, can def feel the tension in my ankles as i try to lower myself back down versus crashing to the ground. feel i get a better stretch and better sense of progress as i do them weekly

B1. Front Squat @ 11X1, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1, rest 2 min: 133, 153, 153, 175, 175 (felt heavy today, after taking a few days off body had to adjust)

B2. Regular Grip Pull Ups @ 20X2, 5 x 1 reps, rest 30 sec **build to 1RM: 10, 25, 33, 44, 49 (failed)

B3. KB Windmill @ 3111, 5 x 5/side, rest 30 sec **focus on stretch at the bottom and active shoulder **these looked good in vid. Great shoulder stability exercise so continue to do the weight you can do on L arm till they even out.: 20, 20, 25, 25, 25
3 rounds for reps
30 sec KB Swings, 35# (KB is fine, I didn’t realize you had KB’s): maybe around the 15 mark..
30 sec rest
30 sec Mountain Climbers: no idea goal was just not to stop
30 sec rest
30 sec Burpees; 9, 8, 7
30 sec rest
30 sec Jump Rope: no idea was active rest for me
30 sec rest

Sunday, May 29, 2016


I should of listened to my body and stayed home. Since my schedule was crazy last week did a lot of days in a row and didn't rest. Plus getting slammed at work dealing with crazy ass people. body was tired an work out really suffered. Plan on taking next 2 days off, stuffing my face with food (nothing to bad except for today got a bbq ;o) then picking up on wednesday.

A. Deadlift @ 20X1, 4 x 2, rest 2 min: 221, 241, 265, 265 (tough)

B1. Front Rack RFE Deficit Split Squat @ 30X1, build to 5RM **front foot on 45# bumper, back knee still touches ground: 3(65), 2 (89), 1(111) couldn't get this to work today, legs weren't having it

B2. Seated DB Press @ 20X2, build to 10RM **sitting on bench, not Z-Press: 8(15), 7(25), 6(30) again thought 30lbs was going to be for 10.. shoulders were tired from yesterday

C1. Front Rack Lunges in place, 4 x 6/leg, rest 60 sec: 89lbs (brutal today)
C2. Cable Tricep Extensions, 4 x 15 reps, rest 60 sec: 50lbs (finally felt a little easier then the last few weeks)
4 rounds: 8:12 (last week was 7:43, was too tired today)

12 DB Thrusters, 25#/h (brutal)
8 Box Jumps, 20” (step ups)


Lizard Walk- 50’
A. Power Clean + Hang Squat Clean,  4 sets, rest 2 min: 121,131,141,141 (olympic plates) felt good

B1. Back Squat @ 31X1, 4, 323, 3, 2,  2,  reps, rest 30 sec: 155, 175, 175, 185, 199(olympic plates) felt good

B2. DB Elbowing Row @ 20X2, 5 x 10/arm, rest 60 sec: 40lb
C1. Pistol on a Box Progression, 4 x 5/side, rest 20 sec: they feel better will video
C2. American Hip Thrusts w/ barbell @ 20X2, 4 x 10, rest 60 sec **heavy: 89lbs
D. FLR on Rings, 4 x 45 sec, rest 90 sec **add weight to back if possible: first time I made it through all 4 sets!!!! might be able to add weight next time.. lol won't be much
Sled Push- 4 x 15 sec MAX EFFORT, rest 2 min  **moderate load but should still be able to sprint without slowing down much: 55kg was too heavy.. caught myself slowing down on 3 and def 4th set..


A. Kossack Squats- 3 x 10/leg, rest 30 sec b/w legs **holding KB in goblet position: 25lbs

B. Natural Knee Extensions (band assistnace if needed)- 2 x 5-6, rest as needed

C. Sumo Deadlift @ 31X1, 4 x 8 reps, rest 2 min: 111, 131, 131,131lbs

D1. Passive Hang from Bar, 4 x 35 sec, rest 30 sec: tough
D2. Front Rack Step Ups, 4 x 8/leg, rest 60 sec b/w legs: 111lbs challengings
For time: 9:58
3 rounds
100 Jump Ropes
21 KB Swings, 35# brutal
15 DB Thrusters, 15#/H brutal