Friday, June 10, 2016


On wednesday went for a mountain bike ride and then a 40 min swim lesson that evening.

Duck Walk- 50’
2 min Back Squat Hold in bottom **w/ 30% of 1RM FSQ: 55lbs was unpleasent
A. Shrimp Squat practice- accumulate 15 quality reps each side: i wouldnt say quality but working on it
B1. Back Squat @ 13X1, 4 x 5 reps, rest 60 sec: 111, 133, 133,133, 133, prob could of done more

B2. Regular Grip Pull Ups @ 20X1, 5 x 4-5 reps, rest 30 sec **build to 1RM: bodyweight, 5lbs (4), 5(4), 5(4), 5(2) wasn't sure if i was supposed to build to 1rm so didn't was thinking that wasn't deleted from last week

B3. KB Windmill @ 3111, 5 x 5/side, rest 30 sec **focus on stretch at the bottom and active shoulder **these looked good in vid. Great shoulder stability exercise so continue to do the weight you can do on L arm till they even out.: 25lb left shoulder still not ready to go up
3 rounds for reps
60 sec DB Thrusters, 20#/H 24:20:15
60 sec rest
60 sec Row 225:218:211
60 sec rest
60 sec Burpees 15:14:14
60 sec rest

probably rested too long btwn first half then cardio. I was dreading those 3 rounds today.

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